Tuition Bulletin of Shenzhen Green Oasis School-Payment items and standard
Our school works together with Shenzhen College of International Education, fulfilling the basic requirement of compulsory education for all students. We also run the international curriculum which is the mainstream of our curriculum. The tuition fee structure is listed as below:
The following fee policy is based on one semester in RMB with one school year divided into 2 semesters.
Each semester per Secondary Student is 79500.00RMB
Other fees --- Meals, Bus, Uniforms, Field trips, External Examination - invoiced individually
Payment detail:
Please transfer the total amount to our school account and indicate name, grade and payment items of your child(ren) in the remark section at the bank transfer note.
*Please have the following bank information in Chinese when transferring.
A School account name: 深圳市福田区城市绿洲学校(Green Oasis School)
Account number:755907565710882
Bank name: 招商银行股份有限公司深圳分行营业部(China Merchants Bank)
B Remittance from Hongkong, Macau, Taiwan, or overseas banks using foreign currencies
Specific information to be provided to the remitting bank:
Beneficiary’s name: Green Oasis School
Beneficiary’s A/C NO.:755907565710882
Beneficiary’s Bank Address: China Merchants Bank Tower NO.7088 Shennan Boulevard, Shenzhen, China
Intermediary Bank: Citibank N.A. , New York
Free of Charge Items: School provides on-side accident insurance and a medical check each year for each pupil.
Tuition Refund Policy: Please refer to class 14 in the tuition refund policy issued by The Price Control Bureau Guangdong Province. (Click here)
If you have any questions please contact us :
Tianmian, No 4030, Shennan Middle Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong,518026, The People's Republic of China
Tel:+86 755 8286 1053