Aims of the SOIS Pastoral Procedures
Enable each student to fulfil their potential academically and socially
Provide opportunities for and encourage students to develop individual and social responsibility
Promote student self-awareness and self confidence needed to face the challenges both academic and personal that are placed upon them
Create a positive home-school partnership
Create a caring environment where students are valued for who they are not just what they can do
Be first point of contact – class teachers must refer issues to the form tutor if they see fit. Also be the 'go to' person for members of the form class
Regular contact with parents where and when appropriate
Guide, counsel, advise, support members of form group
Encourage group members to get involved in ECA, CCA, house competitions and other school activities
More serious issues referred to Key Stage Coordinators/Head of Secondary and if need be educational counsellor
To reach the stated aims of the school they are key responsibilities for staff, students and parents alike and these are summarized in the Pastoral Policy document which can be found in the policies section of the website.
Form Tutor System
At SOIS we have a form tutor system that consists of a foreign member of staff and a Chinese member of staff. This is done to facilitate more communication between teachers, parents and form tutors. Their roles are as follows:
Home-School Partnership
SOIS is committed to developing excellent home-school links. This is achieved through regular contact between parents, form tutors and teachers in a variety of ways. SOIS understands that parents play a key role in the development of a young person therefore we encourage regular dialogue between home and school.
Student Voice
Students are the lifeblood of any school and SOIS is no different. Each academic year SOIS forms a Student Council with an elected class rep from each form group. Above this SOIS has the position of Head Boy and Head Girl who are elected by students from the whole Secondary school student body.